Wednesday, December 24, 2008
2009 - A Time to Break Out!
It is a GREAT day to be alive, eh? Although 2008 is quickly coming to an end, do not forget the birthday celebration tomorrow, our Lord Jesus Christ. Remember the "Reason for the Season". It is not about buying that latest gadget or outfit, but about being all we can be with what God blessed us with & TO SHARE IT with our fellow man (& woman). There are plany of people who will not celebrate Christmas as advertized so it is up to us to bring Christmas Cheer to them!
For those of us who are still stuck within our own, self set limitations, know that God madse us to be all that we can be & to do all we can do. We should not limit ourselves based upon our own perception of reality. Often we are looking at the world through rose colored glasses. You never knew of a tree that only grew half way did you? No, it grew as tall as it could grow. As we sit down & begin to write down our goals & what "boundaries" we wil break out of in 2009 (you are writing them down aren't you?) be sure to S-T-R-E-T-C-H yourself. There is no sense in just doing something that you are comfortable with now is there? We all need to reah outside our comfort zone.
I wish all of you a Blessed Christmas & may you break out of all of your limiting boundaries in 2009 & beyond.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
A Blistering Pace
The countryside was beautiful & many passer byers (hmmm, is that a word?) honked or waved. The small towns that we ran through were great. They obviously had no idea of our lunitic tendencies. My friend & neighbor (Craig J.) was a life saver as we played leap frog all day with me running & him keeping all of my needs (E.g. Powerbars, drinks, pretzels, gloves, headlights, etc.) in his car. One thing that mere mortal runners NEVER think of when running is "the call of the wild". Needless to say, toilet paper was not one of the things in my goodie bag & restrooms are defintely not conveniently located. You can imagine (maybe you can't) how difficult it is to run with your legs crossed. Anyway, you can use some of your imagination for the rest of this story.
Most of the day I was about an hour ahead of my drop dead time. This went on pratically all day & into the night. The strange thing though, is that sometime between 9 AM Saturday morning & sundown, I must have overlooked that warming feeling on the bottom of my left foot. By the time I got to the 1/2 way point at the aid station in Weatherford, OK, I realized that a blister was a stong probability. Luckily there was a doctor there (a marathoner as well) who took a look. He asked me to sit down & take off my shoe (this was very funny as I could not even come close to bending over & removing a shoe). The look on his face when he looked at the bottom of "mi pies" was enough. A HUGE blister over most of the ball of my left foot. He did what he could, taped me up & wished me luck. In addition to this, I have strange shaped toenails as well from all the pounding mileage.
Getting back outside (after my body temperature dropped from sitting inside) caues me to shiver uncontrollably. I could not recall ever having been so cold. I jumped in the car & cranked the heat. "This was going to be tough" I told myself. Eventually, I got myself out & going but by now, everyone was gone, it was still dark as it was now after midnight & my foot was toast. Craig informed me that I was no longer ahead of schedule but was "right on schedule" That meant that I could not slack any more & had to keep a pretty steady pace the remainder of the race (50 more miles). After another mile, I realized that this was not to happen today & that it was time to have a reality check.
Although I chose to pull out here, I did best my previus 50 mile time by an hour!
Looking back now & talking to others, I am taking notes as to what I need to change in my training & planning. Different socks for one, & possibly changing out shoes a few times throughout the day.
I am now taking some needed rest for the ole' tootsies but am scouring the internet for another 100 mile with which to redeem myself & once again, push outside one's boundaries.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Mine Your Step
For the past several months, I have been running & preparing. Unfortunately my job takes me out of the USA so I cannot always get in that important "long run" every week. Last week was one of those times. I had been in Egypt for 10 days & was approximately 5 Km from the Red Sea. What a view & what a chance to run along the Red Sea; to stand where Moses had stood (or at least close). I asked the guys at the camp where I was working where to go & they pointed to graded dirt road that curved around & supposedly went all the way to the Read Sea.
Just before heading out, they ran over & told me to make sure to stay on the graded road. I wasn't sure so I asked "Why?". Well, back during the war between Egypt & Israel, this area contained many land mines (Yikes!). The area that had not been graded may still contain un-exploded mines! That will surely put a crimp in your running, eh? Well, I took off & after about a kilometer or so, the road seemed to fade away. Visions of missing limbs (my limbs) came to mind & rather than try to find where the road actually went, I quickly turned around & headed back. What's a few dozen 1 km loops back & forth. Oh well, so much for a good last long run before MR100.
My next blog entry should be very interesting as I will be able to share my experience of "going the distance" & "knowing no boundaries."
God Bless You.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Between the Ears
Tonight I sat in on a presentation on Psychology and Running. In that presentation, we were told how our mental view of life; our life; become our reality. How we play these mental games to either convince ourselfs to do or not do something. We were told that we need a road map to help us achieve our goals whatever they may be. With out this map we are like Alice in Wonderland when she met the Cheshire Cat.
We can accomplish miracles with faith & love for God & a burning desire to walk with Him through everything. It reminds me of watching Tony Melendez & his wonderful gift of musinc & song -
You Can If You Think You Can!
If you think you are beaten, you are,If you think you dare not, you don't.If you like to win, but you think you can't,It is almost certain you won't.
If you think you'll lose, you're lost,For out in the world we find,Success begins with a fellow's will.It's all in the state of mind.
If you think you are outclassed, you are,You've got to think high to rise,You've got to be sure of yourself beforeYou can ever win a prize.
Life's battles don't always goTo the stronger or faster man.But soon or late the man who wins,Is the man who thinks he can.
~ C. W. Longenecker ~
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Some days . . . .
Aside from my spiritual focus, I was definitely focusing on pink ribbons with black dots. If not, I was sure to get lost. There were also plates nailed to trees pointing out the direction of the second loop (Oh, did I mention that there were trees, trees, trees & more trees. Also an occasional rock or two or three . . or billions.).
There were a few times that we came up to the top & had grand views of the Arkansas river & downtown Tulsa. Coming out into the open allowed for wonderful breezes to cool me off .
The aid stations were second to none & the volunteers were great (even if one had an OSU shirt that WASN'T Oklahoma State University - just kidding!). Trail running is unlike any other sort of running a trail runners have never met a stranger & are always first to extend a hand or say an encouraging word. This is even from the front runners as they whiz by.
There was one point (Lip Breaker) where I thought more about Lung Breaker than any other part. I was glad to get the top. You couldn't really run up it as there were plenty of rocks (did I mention that already?).
As I am working towards Mother Road 100 - Part 2 in November, it was nice to see an encouraging sign on one of the trees.
Now, coming into the end of the first loop (25 km), I dug into my drop bag to see if there was anything that I could not live without & when I found nothing that I needed, I took off back down the trail to run the loop in reverse. For some odd reason, some of the trail looked different. Hmmm, maybe I was focused on those darn pink spotted ribbons to notice everything. I expected to pass runners going the opposite direction on the first loop, but when I passed one for the second time, my mind was going wild. Maybe there was a second part of the course where the runners pass. When I passed two additional runners going the opposite way & crested a hill that I could not remember, I knew something was not right. I turned around & decided that if I wasn't too far off course, would get my bearings & head off again. Much to my surprise when I turned around, I came out into the open right where the 2nd loop was supposed to end (the race finish). I quickly tore off my race number so as not to have any of the spec-TATURS think that I finished well.
What a disappointment. I was mad at myself for not paying attention. This was my first race in 10 years that I did not finish. If there was a good side to things, at least I got in a good 20 mile trail run.
Live & learn. I need to learn to watch trail markers better.
As always - - Know No Boundaries.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Nothing like my morning shot of running (better than coffee)
Anyway, it is always nice to get out & get the ol' bones moving. Getting up early is another one of those so called "boundaries" that we often run into. "How can you get up so early? Aren't you tired? I could never get up that early on a Saturday. I need my rest after working all week." So once again, here is the proverbial self fullfilling prophesy - "I could never get up that early on a Saturday." That is the key to Know No Boundaries, the fact that people limit themselves in EVERY ASPECT of their lives by this negative self talk. The most important conversations that you will ever have in you life, are those that you have with youself! If you say yo can or if you say you can't, you are right.
Why don't you say YES to possibility, say YES to your desire to life a healthier life (morning runs are a great start), say YES to studying harder in school or working more diligently at work, sSay YES to being a more positive person to everyone you come in contact with and say YES to GOD. It is GOD who gives us the strength & fortitude to break through the boundaries that we feel are shackling us to a life of limited possibilities. Pray for help to Know No Boundaries.
I even found a TATUR singing Numa Numa. You'll be singing it all day.
Speaking again of boundaries, the Turkey & TATUR 50km trail run is Sunday September 14th on Turkey Mountain in Tulsa so I will once again, push my boundaries. I cannot figure this one out. It is not really a mounitain & there are no turkeys on it (unless yo call us trail runners turkeys). And as for TATUR (maw said to keep away from them thar tatur's. Is it tatur as in Po-tatur? I guess not. It is Tulsa Area Trail Ultra Runners). I wonder if Mr. Potato Head is a TATUR? He looks to be out on the road. Hmmmmm, I don't know why I am thinkng about mashed potatos.
Well as you go into a new week, take a long look at you life & your self talk & tell youself that YOU CAN do whatever you sent your mind to. Then - - - - DO IT!
Know No Boundaries
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
The Big One
I am pretty psyched (is that how it is spelled??) about it as well as a bit apprehensive. My pace is slow so I often end up running alone. At night, it could be a bit SPOOKY (lions & tigers & bears Oh My!)
Oh well. It should be a blast anyway. At least I can sleep the rest of Sunday when I get back home.
Know No Boundaries is also beginning to take a more solid shape. I am waiting on final approval from the IRS for my 501C3 status. Then we can begin seeking donations. The website should also be up soon. It may not be totall high tech at first, but I will be working with our Director of Technology on adding plenty of fluff.
Until next time my friends. And as always, Know No Boundaries!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
In The Dark
Monday, June 23, 2008
Fast Trax Ultra - One More Step
Sunday, June 1, 2008
On my way to 100
As part of my training, I will be doing the Fast Trax Ultra 50 mile run in Edmonton, Alberta Canada on June 14th. At least this is a start.
There are probably a few other long runs that I will be doing between now & November to prepare myself for this.
On the real front line, I officially began the process for Know No Boundaries to be a true 501C3 Non Profit Charitable organization. The documentation should be in any time. I have met with the local chapter of Catholic Charities & will be joining up with them to provide some mentoring, counseling & whatever is needed to some of the people who contact them & who seem to have reached some "boundary". It is surprising what one can & will do once there is a reason & an internal drive to push on & to overcome limitations.
Until next time, God Bless You & be sure to Know No Boundaries.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Gaining Momentum
Through much prayer & contemplation, I devided that I am going to work through our local Catholic Charities to find that recipient. I may even try to align Know No Boundaries with Catholic Charities due to the similar nature of the missions of both organizations & the God centered love for those in need.
Monday, January 14, 2008
After the race, I sat down inside for a hot bowl of chili & some water (like I hadn't had enough of it by now). My southern friend sat down next to me & we began chatting about the race, the temperature (It had dropped to near 40 degrees). He said to me that he ran this race for Jesus. The fact that He suffered & died for us, suffering through a marathon was nothing compared to this & that he offered it up for Christ. I told him that that was a wonderful & self-less thought to offer it up for the Lord. I often think of this very thing during long runs. I actually pray my rosary quite often.
At this point, I shared with him my calling for Know No Boundaries. That I have had the thoughts for many years & after much prayer & contemplation, I realized that God was calling me to do something. To somehow provide ways for people who feel that they have " reached their boundaries", to help them with God's guidance, to break out of these self limiting boundaries. Be it helping them get a wheelchair or a pair of crutches, a prosthetic limb or just listening to them & sharing how God loves them & help them to "break out".
After our brief talk, he asked me to come out to his car before heading home. While we sat there, he told me he was a retired firefighter from Georgia (near Atlanta) & had just completed 13 marathons that year (2007). He then proceeded to had me a crisp $100 bill & said it was for my ministry. I did not know what to say besides "Thank You" & "Are you sure?" Before leaving, I asked for his mailing address & promised to keep him informed on how things progress.
I could not think of anything else the whole way home except that there are angels amongst us.
Badwater 267 VR
Know No Boundaries will be running Badwater 267 VR during the month of January. BADWATER: It’s a frame of mind, a global family of horizon-c...
You know all of this talk & encouragement about "knowing no boundaries" ma de me think recently. This is the season of Lent ...
Hello again. I hope that so far, 2011 has allowed you opportunities to push youselves to & beyond your boundaries. As you have heard cou...
Well friends, with the weather warming up a bit, have you put a damper (or a boundary) on your outside activities? As long as you are hydrat...