I went for an afternoon run @ lunch only to find the temperature a bit higher the
Anyway, as long as you wear a hat & hydrate properly, you should be able to enjoy your afternoon exercising. How do you think the competitors in Badwater deal with the heat - TRAINING, TRAINING & more TRAINING.
I was hoping for some clouds, but no luck. On the way back, the temperature was no better.
Our long run Saturday morning was really nice. K1 & I got in some extra miles earlier. I am a bit worried that my birthday gift to myself will be more painful than I care for. I well - I guess I ought to get prepared, eh? It was really nice to see some fellow Maniacs. We are now up to 1600 members!
Anyway, the run was nice & the group has really grown. It is great to see others
pushing their running boundaries to run their first 1/2 or full marathon.
As it is always this time of year, it warmed up quick so hydrating was critical. 
As we neared the last few miles, we had a few quite onlookers. Good thing th
at they were on the grass & off of the trail or they would have been sitting ducks for getting run over.
None-the-less, it was a great run & a way to push those temperature boundaries. At the end, cold ice sponges were heaven sent for the ole' noggin & across the back of the neck.
One more thing - - I actually believe that I am in the final phases with the IRS for my 501 (c)(3) none profit status for Know No Boundaries so STAY TUNED for exciting things & events.
And as always, know that YOU determine what you can & can't do & what "boundaries" are set. Remember, obstacles or walls are not there to keep others out, but to push us to see how bad we want something.
May GOD always smile on you & may your will always be HIS will.
God Bless;
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