Saturday, January 3, 2009


Hey there fellow Polar Bears. It was GREAT to take my "first" plunge on the 1st of the year. Nothing like ice cold water to make one really feel A-L-I-V-E!
Crazy you say? I say you need to get outside your comfort zone in life in order to accomplish or achieve anything. A boat cannot discover new lands until it looses sight of the shore. In this way, one cannot discover all that God has planned for their lives until they break out of their self limiting boundaries.

This is a new year & often time for new beginnings & new resolutions. Why not resolve to be a new person this year; to set goals just out of your reach, to stretch yourself to a point to be a bit uncomfortable. God has blessed each of us with unique gifts & I believe that we owe it to Him to use those gifts & not waste them.

I know that when I am in front of the Pearly Gates of Heaven in front of Almighty God, I want to be sure that He knows that I used ALL of the gifts that I was endowed with & did not sit quitely by the sidelines of life making sure not to "break anything." Get your bible out & read the parable of the talents to get my point.

May 2009 really stretch you & may you break out of those self limiting shackles.

Onward my fellow soldiers!

1 comment:

T Z said...

What a cute two-piece!

Badwater 267 VR

Know No Boundaries will be running Badwater 267 VR during the month of January. BADWATER: It’s a frame of mind, a global family of horizon-c...