Well, I did my first Back to Back races this past weekend at the Inaugural Post Oak Trail runs.

It was also the 1st fund raising event for Know No Boundaries. Seeing as KNB stresses the fact that we sent our own limits, our own boundaries in life, I just had to push through mine to do the back to back races; trail marathon on Saturday & trail 50K on Sunday.
Day 1 - Trail Marathon

After a needed early start, we headed up the paved road towards the main lodge, circled the parking lot & then headed off onto the trail (or at least that was the idea). The first trail marking was an orange plate with a black arrow but it was off to the left on the grass. Plenty of the front runners missed it & ended up adding a bit of extra mileage to the run. K1 (aka Trail Zombie) & I stopped just before a fence line & caught the fact that we missed a turn. We headed back about a 100 yards or so & then were back on trail.
Lots of new trails so there was a lot of new experiences.
After passing our first aid station at Flatrock, we headed back onto the trails for a double pass loop out & around the Botanical Gardens. Yours truly heads out of the woods coming up on the Botanical Garden aid station.

Volunteers can make or break a race & the volunteers at this inagural race were great. The Botanical Garden workers were friendly & very upbeat. Trying to stay warm can be a chore as there is not much body heat generated when they are not running.

Lots of ponds along the course which made for beautiful reflections.

Although most was on rocky, muddy, grassy trails, there was an out & back portion on gravel roads just to add in a bit of variety.
The road headed off towards W 41st Street N . According to Tom, this was about a mile from his homestead; he could have run home after the marathon.
At some point on the course, we topped Holmes Peak; the highest point in NW Oklahoma. During our 1st training run, it was really foggy but God saw to it that we had a sunny day with a beautiful view from the top.

After heading down Holmes Peak, once again headed back into the woods. Loads of tall grass trails

and mud

From here, we headed back over to the start/finish by the Post Oak Pole Barn & then back out, up & over Hamburger Hill.

Oh did I mention, there were PLENTY of water crossings. A fellow runner stopped counting at 48! Try as I might, I was not able to keep my little tootsies dry the whole race. Luckily they did not get soaked until the last 5 miles or so.

After a full day, we ended up back at the Post Oak Pole Barn for the last time.

A beautiful custom finisher's medal was waiting, two brewskies & a great BBQ Beef sandwich.
Day 2 - Post Oak Trail 50K
The start of the trail marathon was not much different except that we headed onto the trails earlier. Again, it was a beautiful crisp morning. I even had a chance to see a bit of the local wildlife early on in the 50K.

The 50K was a double loop, one loop forward & one loop run in reverse. Here is where much of the confusion happened as some of the trail markings were a bit confusing when seen from a different point of view. Some were obviously easy, while others were not.

I have to say that I came out unscathed; only one tiny blister & a slight pain in my left knee. Now, three days later, I am ready to run again.
Looks like the Six Hour Snake Run put on by the
TATURS & my good friend Ken Childress (aka K1) is on the near horizon later this month.

God Bless You & Happy Trails.