There are plenty of people touting that they can't wait until life gets "back to normal" (whatever that "normal" is).
Each and every time that I hear this, I cringe! I hope and pray that we NEVER get back to "normal." At least if that "normal" is life as it was.
Normal was crowded restaurants, stores and parks with people with their faces all buried in their cell phones! Normal was crowded roads and highways with people complaining of the traffic or the slow-poke in front of them as they are running late for some critical meeting (or sorts). Normal was pulling up to the drive-thru at your local Starbucks for that latte or mocha to drink on your way "somewhere."
"Who was that masked man" (from the Lone Ranger or old Batman re-runs) will now have a different meaning!
If all of this is the "normal" that we are all too eager to get back to . . . . I PRAY that we NEVER return to it.

Let us awaken from this stupor in which we've been in for several years to truly value what is important!
Until next time - - God Bless You;