2020 Post Oak Challenge (25km)
This year's Post Oak Challenge was indeed a challenge. Severe intestinal cramps the entire night before the race relegated me to dropping back to the 25 km distance (rather than the 50 km) that was originally planned.
Wet days prior to the race made for very wet & muddy running. Plenty of roots, rocks & hills! There were some GREAT views of the countryside and some of downtown Tulsa, but I had my work cut out for me as I plodded through the course.
At the last Aid Station, I was ready to throw in the towel. THANK YOU Lynna for talking me into continuing on. All I had was to climb the Hill From Hell, plod through more roots, rocks & hills, make it through the Heaven's Gate to make it to the finish line.
I was soooo ready to be finished. This was a tough race for me.

Speaking of grand visions, my vision of the finish line was indeed a welcome site.
Blessings to you until next time; Ken