When setting goals, we re often told that we need to "stretch ourselves". To set goals that are just beyond our reach but still achievable. Even with this, we cannot always SEE the end results. It can appear that it is just one obstacle after another, one turn after another with no end in sight.
But have FAITH! As long as you are chipping away at your goal, one piece at a time, overcoming one obstacle at a time & going around one turn at a time, you WILL reach your goal.

Every little but takes you one step closer to realizing your goals.
We cannot always expect to see the "WHOLE PICTURE" when often times what we want to achieve is beyond what we cam see. We have a vision, a desired outcome that we want, a goal to reach that is just over that current obstacle or around that immediate turn. Keep at it with FAITH & you WILL achieve it.
It WILL include struggles, sweat and maybe even some tears. There will be some days that are easy and others when you want to give up. But have no despair! Many a person has made similar struggles only to come out victorious. Keep the faith my friend as worthy goals will be achieved.
Commercial airplanes have a goal too; to arrive at some destination that they cannot see. They KNOW it is there, but cannot see it. They set their controls, dial in the coordinates to where they want to go (their goal). Did you know that airplanes are OFF COURSE almost 90% of the time? How would then ever reach their goal or destination you might think? They are constantly evaluating the situation & making course corrections along the way.

By making constant corrections on the path of OUR GOALS, we can also be assured that we will arrive there too.
Often time we weave this way & that way, often times we look off into the far distance & the road just seems to go on and on and on and . . . but with perseverance, the long and winding road can be one of wonderment and amazing experiences.

It can be our haven for reflecting inwards and connecting with God.
Soldier on my friend and have faith.