WHY you might ask? IF you ask any one of them, they would tell you that there was no other option. Overcoming their situation was a given & a choice long made deep inside their psyche, inside the deepest recesses of their hearts.
Know No Boundaries is no different in our approach to life & to how we are going to approach 2011 in our efforts to bring awareness to this & to raise money. Our main point is not only to talk the talk about breaking boundaries, but to walk the walk. To actually break our own boundaries in life & in response to the "stuff" that happens to all of us.
Our first planned boundary to break was the running of the 2nd Post Oak Challenge. This was put on by the Tulsa Running Club & hosted at the Post Oak Lodge on Saturday & Sunday February26th & 27th.

Here at Know No Boundaries, we not only encourage people to break through these limiting boundaries. but we try to set examples in our lives, & mentor or council them to do likewise.
The next boundary that we have planned to break, is via the 6 Hour Snake Run. This is a 4 mile flat trail loop on Turkey Mountain. The object is to run as many miles as possible in 6 hours. How will KNB do? We did 20 miles last year so we will be shooting for at least 24-26 miles.

Following this would be the 50 Mile Midnight Madness. Proceeds from this race have been earmarked for Know No Boundaries so we are excited about this race in it's second year.

As we get closer to the fall, Know No Boundaries is looking at joining forces with My Long Walk to host a 24 Hour Run some time in the fall. This is still in the idea stage, so stay tuned.
And to end for today, we are in discussions to bring a benefit concert to our community to allow local musicians an opportunity to gain exposure. We will also be looking to bring in a few speakers who have truly broken through boundaries in their lives & to share them with all present. This may be some time in September. It will be an awesome event so look for some definitive blogs.
Remember in life, WE determine what boundaries keep us bound & what boundaries we will break through. Choose the latter.
Thanks & God Bless you.