Saturday, December 4, 2010
After A While
After a while you learn the subtle difference between holding a hand and chaining a soul.
And you learn that love doesn't mean leaning and company doesn't mean security.
And you begin to learn that kisses aren't contracts and presents aren't promises.
And you begin to accept your defeats with your head up and your eyes ahead, with the grace of an adult, not the grief of a child.
And you learn to build all your roads on today because tomorrow's ground is too uncertain for plans, and futures have a way of falling down in mid-flight. .
After a while you learn that even sunshine burns if you get too much.
So you plant your own garden and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to leave you flowers.
And you learn that you really can endure;You really are strong, you really do have worth. And you learn, and you learn With every goodbye you learn.
~ Veronica Shoftsall ~
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Finally - A 100 Mile Finish
My two friends Ken Childress (looking for a 7th finish) & Bill Richardson & I posed for a pre-race photo before heading out onto the open road.
When we got into Claremore, Earl bid me farewell as his wife only had some much patience. Cara & Randy jumped back in here however Earl was totally critical during some critical times. (sorry about your cell phone Earl).
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
The Broken Arrow Ledger did a wonderful article in today's edition talking about my running adventures & highlighting what Know No Boundaries is all about. Check out the hyper-link above to read the featured article.
Know No Boundaries is preparing for Part 3 of the Mother Road 100 series. It is to start on November 13th in Baxter Springs, Kansas, follow historic Route 66 & finish in the Catoosa High School stadium in Catoosa, Oklahoma.
Extremely tight hamstrings are a concern at the moment but we are working through this. Pain is inevitable but it would be nice to keep it towards the end rather than at the start.
Pray for us & our mission.
God Bless;
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Boundaries Are Only the Limits of the Imagination
• allow everyone, with or without a disability to participate in sport and to have fun;
• to respect the spirit of sports, team spirit, fair-play, equality and friendship;
• to help the non disabled understand and appreciate disabilities;
• to promote integration between the disabled world and the non disabled world.
Every player’s ability or disability is taken into consideration when forging their position on the team. The teams are composed of 5 players on each side. All non-disabled players are required to play in a wheel-chair. The severely disabled wheel-chair bound, and blind team members are allow a “motor”, an able bodied person to move them on the court and act as “surrogate” in catching or blocking the ball, yet the player has to do the passing. The teams are allowed 1 “walker” (not in a chair).
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Forging Beyond Boundaries
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Who Am I?
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Informal Partnership with American Wheelchair Mission
The American Wheelchair Mission is a non-profit organization with a goal to deliver brand new, free wheelchairs and mobility aids to physically disabled children, teens and adults throughout the world who are without mobility or the means to acquire a wheelchair. With a strong focus on the needs of the Americas, the American Wheelchair Mission will continue to change the lives of entire families with the gifts of hope, dignity, freedom and independence.
The delivery of a wheelchair to a person without mobility improves the quality of life for the entire family. Children can go to school, adults can go to work to provide for their families and the elderly can get out of a bed they may have stayed in for years at a time. We estimate that each wheelchair we deliver impacts an average of 10 lives in a positive way.
It is estimated that more than 100 million people throughout the world are in need of a wheelchair but cannot afford one. These people cannot be helped by canes, crutches, walkers or prosthetics. A wheelchair is their only hope for mobility.
On average, developing countries around the world have about three percent (3%) of their population physically disabled and unable to afford a wheelchair. In the 60 or so countries with civil unrest, landmine and unexploded ordnance problems the percentage of physically disabled can rise as high as Angola’s twenty percent (20%). Afghanistan, Iraq, Cambodia and Sierra Leone are not far behind. Colombia is the only country in the western hemisphere with landmines actively being planted by anti-government rebels, and has a growing problem. The reasons for physical disability include war, disease, accidents, lack of health care, aging and others.
The delivery of wheelchairs to physically disabled people allows children to go to school, adults to go to work and provide for their families and the elderly to get out of a bed they may have stayed in for years at a time. But a wheelchair does not only change the life of the recipient. We estimate an average of ten lives are improved by the delivery of each wheelchair. Families can attend worship services and social gatherings together; people who have crawled on the floor or ridden on a skateboard can now look family in the eye for the first time and feel dignity. The prayers of entire families are answered with the gift of a wheelchair.
The brand new wheelchairs we deliver would sell for $500 in a medical supply store, but we purchase them by sea containers of 100 to 280 wheelchairs, deliver them directly to the country of destination and can do this for an average of only $150 per wheelchair.
Know No Boundaries has already begun agressive fundraising efforts as out goal is to have monies raised to get a small container of wheelchairs to our home area the end of the fourth quarter of 2010 or the first quarter of 2011.
Join us in our cause.
God Bless you;
Friday, July 23, 2010
Breaking Through the Next Boundary
Well, after much prayer & contemplation (not to mention a few discussions with friends & family), the un-official Tulsa City Limit Ultra Marathon will happen. It will also be great training for Mother Road 100 - Part 3 on November 13th / 14th.
I am already driving parts of the course to stake out places for bathroom breaks, water stops & possible remote water stops in the areas less populated.
For those of you who would like to join us, look for more details as it gets closer to the fall & the cooler weather.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Our FIRST Donation
When the chips are down, run (obviously).
OUCH Kirk. You look like you've been shot! Get this man some Nip Guards.
Monday, July 5, 2010
One More Broken Boundary - 50 Mile Midnight Madness
As the loops added up, the toughness of the race became to show itself. I believe that the saving grace for all of the runners was the overcast skies.
Once it started to get light, many of us were able to see the true beauty of the course as many of the runners had never run the trails & were NOT from Tulsa. Unfortunately when it comes to hills, they seem easier when you cannot see them & you anticipate them when you know when they are coming.
We were also blessed with lower than normal temperatures & even a hard rain (that seemed to persist for the last 20 miles). The cooler weather was a much welcome reprieve from the usual roasting Oklahoma summer. I suspect if it were a "normal" summer day, there would have been plenty of people dropping as the heat climbed.Thursday, June 10, 2010
Vibram FiveFingers - Trial
I have go to say that my whole running mechanics went out the window. No more heal striking. I seem to run with more awareness; more upright. There is more thought to how your foot falls, etc.
I wore them in my travels out to Oman & thoroughly enjoyed them. I cannot wait to get them out into the "real rowld" on real running surfaces.
The whole Vibram FiveFinger's concept is totally "out of the box" & a pushing beyond conventional running wear boundaries.
Until next time.
Run on;
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Following Through
Brian; as always; gives us our last minute directions. Bob & friends listen intently.
Soon after heading off, the group began to spread out & everybody moved into their usual positions (for me, it is generally near the back of the pack).
Talking was lively at first as we were all still fresh. Scott; a newcomer to our group was in fine form as he heads east on the trail after crossing Yale Ave.
By the time we all got to Memorial, it was dusk. Cold drinks & snacks awaited us courtesy of our beloved crews; Derek & Laurie England, Brian Hoover & Sonya. Brian directs Kirk to the treats.
We continued onwards towards NSU & a sign advertising for the university caught me as perfect for the moment.
Here my running mentor & good friend K1 (aka Trail Zombie) chats with Sonya while he messes with his camera (as always).
Lyle & Charis also were at the half way point & offered a nice pose for the camera.
Before heading back, Sonya was kind enough to take a photo of the "Special Ks".
Next stop - 50 Mile Midnight Madness running July.
Run on & God Bless;
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Running Hope Through America
Kathy was leading the pack in the wee hours of the morning while the rest of us accompanied Lisa & Sister Mary Beth. Lisa's project; Running Hope Through America; is done through her foundation, The Dreamchaser Foundation. 100% of the donations will be distributed between (3) organizations -
If there were ever a person who truly pushes the boundaries & who has beaten the internal mental battle that keeps us all trapped within our mental/physical/spiritual prison, it is Lisa.
Runner's World Tulsa set up aid station tents at the start & turn around points in order to provide needed snacks & drinks for Lisa, Sister Mary Beth & all of the rest of us who joined in to support Lisa.
Sr. Mary Beth & Arnold zip through while Brian maned the tent.Once the sun came up, there seemed to be more people who came out to run with Lisa & Sister Mary Beth & to support here cause.
We even had a moment to play cowboy when we took a brief side trip along the West side of the River Parks trails & hoped on an old western stage coach.
As you can see, Lisa has a very daunting schedule with a lot of road time in their RV. She was in Little Rock, Arkansas Friday & after Tulsa, will be heading down to Dallas, Texas to continue on here journey.
And like every one of life's endeavors, we need some time to stop & rest, re-group & re-focus ;even if it is just changing shoes & getting off of our feet for a few minutes & donning a pair of compression tights (I've gotta try these one day).
It was nice for Joe to join us after running in the Aquarium Half Marathon held earlier in the morning.
We even had our own local ultra running celebrity Ken Childress (aka Trail Zombie & K1) also join us after the Aquarium Half Marathon.
With this said & the state of Oklahoma now checked off of Lisa's list, & will offer my deepest prayers to her & Sister Mary Beth.
May God's strength always be with you in all that you do & may He richly bless you & your efforts and when our time is done & we are face to face with Heavenly Our Father, may He welcome you into heaven with the words "Well done my good & faithful servant. Welcome home."
God Bless you & be sure to Know No Boundaries.
Badwater 267 VR
Know No Boundaries will be running Badwater 267 VR during the month of January. BADWATER: It’s a frame of mind, a global family of horizon-c...
You know all of this talk & encouragement about "knowing no boundaries" ma de me think recently. This is the season of Lent ...
Hello again. I hope that so far, 2011 has allowed you opportunities to push youselves to & beyond your boundaries. As you have heard cou...
Well friends, with the weather warming up a bit, have you put a damper (or a boundary) on your outside activities? As long as you are hydrat...