It is a GREAT day to be alive, eh? Although 2008 is quickly coming to an end, do not forget the birthday celebration tomorrow, our Lord Jesus Christ. Remember the "Reason for the Season". It is not about buying that latest gadget or outfit, but about being all we can be with what God blessed us with & TO SHARE IT with our fellow man (& woman). There are plany of people who will not celebrate Christmas as advertized so it is up to us to bring Christmas Cheer to them!
For those of us who are still stuck within our own, self set limitations, know that God madse us to be all that we can be & to do all we can do. We should not limit ourselves based upon our own perception of reality. Often we are looking at the world through rose colored glasses. You never knew of a tree that only grew half way did you? No, it grew as tall as it could grow. As we sit down & begin to write down our goals & what "boundaries" we wil break out of in 2009 (you are writing them down aren't you?) be sure to S-T-R-E-T-C-H yourself. There is no sense in just doing something that you are comfortable with now is there? We all need to reah outside our comfort zone.
I wish all of you a Blessed Christmas & may you break out of all of your limiting boundaries in 2009 & beyond.