Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Helping - Have you ever wondered HOW you can help?

When Albert Einstein was asked "Why are we here?" (as in what is the reason that we are here on Earth & for what purpose), he answered without hesitation, "Man is here to serve other men." (that is mankind). We are here to serve others & to the extent that we do so, so are our own needs met.

The late great Zig Ziglar said that "we can get everything we want, if we help enough other people get what they want." So . . . . . you may be wondering - "How can I help others?" "What can I do to make a difference in the lives of others?"

The word to use is H-E-L-P. Help another. You may think that it is the smallest of things, but to the person being helped, it may be monumental; even life changing! It can be physically helping, emotionally helping, spiritually helping or financially helping.

There are countless organizations (literally) whose mission is to help others in a plethora of ways.

Know No Boundaries is one of those organizations. As you can see through many of our posts here, on Social Media or on our website, we help those who seem to need that "little push", that catalyst to push them just a bit to start the momentum of their breaking through their obstacle or boundary.

We are currently helping young Jordan Hannah who was born with a debilitating disease yet has overcome many obstacles to be a stellar up and coming competitive cyclist. Our goal here at Know No Boundaries is for Jordan to be the recipient of the funds raised at the 2018 Ultra Cowboy Ultra 50km race to be held later this year in September at Prairie Song in Dewey, Oklahoma.

Stay tuned for more details on HOW to help & HOW to register.


Badwater 267 VR

Know No Boundaries will be running Badwater 267 VR during the month of January. BADWATER: It’s a frame of mind, a global family of horizon-c...